Friday, October 25, 2019

Behavior and Development of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Ess

This paper will review five studies concerning the behavior and development of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The studies investigate how autism effects communication, socialization, cognitive development, and a number of other areas. Researchers use many different types of scales to measure and compare the difference between children with ASD and typically developing children. Methodology Study 1 Morgan, Lindee, Wetherby, Amy M., Barber, Angie (2008) Repetitive and stereotyped movements in children with autism spectrum disorders late in the second year of life In this study there were three groups of children between 18 and 24 months of age participated. One group had Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), another group had developmental delays (DD) but autism was ruled out, and the third group had a typical development (TD). They conducted a study in which they videotaped some behavioral samples using the Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile (CSBS). This is a clinical tool that is used to measure repetitive and stereotyped movements (RSM) in young children. The experiment takes about twenty minutes to administer and uses communication techniques such as bubbles, different toys, cheerios, books, and other activities to promote communication is the children. Study 2 Luyster, Rhiannon J., Kadlec, Mary Beth, Carter, Alice, Tager-Flusberg, Helen (2008) Language Assessment and Development in Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorders Participants were based on ages of 18 to 33 months and were picked from collaboration with early intervention in Massachusetts. The sample size was 164 toddlers, 129 boys and 35 girls. 142 were white, 2 were African American, 4 were Asian, 1 American Indian/ Alaska... Autism not only to typically developing children but to children with other disorders or a milder case of autism and using other methods of assessment would work for future research. Study 4 For future research it would help if the sample size was larger because not many people participated in the survey. Study 5 For future studies there should be a control group to compare ASD participants with typically developing participants and also a larger sample size. Concluding Comments The majority of this research focuses on communication, socialization, verbal use, repetitive movements, the assessment, and behavioral responses in children with ASD. Each study focused on a different aspect of the development of children with ASD, but they all reached the same conclusions in the results. Children with ASD develop differently in many areas than typical children.

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